Necessity is the Mother of Invention!

As we travel through life, things keep changing.
Ideas that have worked for years no longer work.
That can be scary for some..............
but for others it is the land of opportunity!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Cool Things; Brain Things; and a little about this blog.

New and Cool innovations for Pleasure, Comfort, and/or Business!  (Maybe just for Fun!)  That's what this blog is all about!  And.............

 All I can find out about "brain damage" particularly that which is caused by accident and also very different but somewhat the same, strokes

 As some of you may know, and so others interesed may know as well, I have a 25 year old son who was diabled in an auto accident 7 1/2 years ago.  His Mother took it upon herself to become his full-time caregiver and advocate, which is wonderful, except for those times when we can't forget why we divorced.  But Joe needs her and he'd never get along without her.  Then I suffered a stroke out of the blue!  I'd be dead if it weren't for (Who?..........) my ex-wife!   

The internet is a great place to acquire information second to none!  But, it takes a lot of time.  Some info is great and some of it is a waste of time!  I've got time..........I'm going to spent my time deciphering it and bringing out what I think is cool or pertinent, just for fun or break through news! 

Here's my entry for today.  I love this thing!  I'm going to make one!

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